
Emma's Page / India / The Kambala send me email

The Kambala (buffalo bull racing)

This is a huge event in rural Karnataka, where a temporary racecourse is set up. They race the buffalo with two tied together and a 'driver' who runs along with them and steers them. They do 110 metres in about 13 seconds at their fastest through water. The driver just seems to be hanging on really.


a bufallo bull

a Kambala team

Sometimes the buffalos refuse to stop at the end of the track even though they get a few severe lashes of the cane by the driver at the end.

It's quite cruel really. They get beaten with the canes quite hard if they don't behave but apparently they get pampered before and after and there is even a buffalo swimming pool there for their relaxation and cooling after a race.

some of the drivers are a bit camp

bulls like this game



Click links below to load videos in the box on the right
..then...mouse over the black screen...(takes a few minutes to load).

VIDEO 1: A time trial lap on one of the tracks.

VIDEO 2: coming soon.

VIDEO 3: coming soon.


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