Emma's Page / India / CHRISTMAS | send me email |
Christmas Eve Suresh and Sonali invited us to a right proper black tie dinner dance. Luckily Dave found a dinner suit at the bottom of his suitcase that he'd forgotten about. It didn't start until after Midnight Mass (Christmas is a religious event here). There were prizes for 'Oldest Couple', 'Person with longest earrings' and so on but we didn't win anything. We left just before Dave fell over but after everyone had stared open mouthed at our modern disco dancing. |
Sonali's Mum and Dad |
Christmas Morning We made rum truffles which is not easy here given that Indian chocolate doesn't melt and you can't get rum or cream. Also have made sherry trifle (with port) and we'll be scoffing Christmas pudding thanks to Mick. In keeping with the local spirit of idolatry, we've made a Christmas Shrine with gifts from Karen, Gav and Mick including an inflatable tree. |
Sherry trifle and rum truffles |
Our Christmas Shrine |
We got up this morning and went to the fish
market for our Christmas Paella. We have seer fish, green mussels.
clams, squid, tiger prawns and crayfish. We pushed the boat out a bit
given that it's Christmas we didn't bargain hard and spent a total of £2.50. We're drinking Indian Bucks Fizz now (Indian champagne and lychee juice). When we run out we phone the shop downstairs and they bring us more in exchange for a shifty slug of rum. We're going to watch From Churachandpur With Love this afternoon. Its a Bollywood Bond film.
Seafood for dinner and on our balcony |
mouse over the screen right for Christmas family
message...5 second video PS. We have a no vanity or editing rule with our pictures and videos, first take goes in so that's why its a bit ropey.
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